The Belayers


A Ministry Helping Believers Maintain and Regain
their Spiritual Footing


Needed: Direction

Needed: HELP!

Needed: Skyhooks

Needed: Prayer

To BELAY is to assist a climber when they fall.  According to, belaying is the technique of controlling the rope so that a falling climber does not fall very far.


Even a long fall can be arrested and a climber can gently be lowered to a safe place where they can resume their climb through a belayer - an intercessor - who acts as an anchor and repeller, to help a climber regain their footing.


This is a Christian website designed to assist, or belay, other Christians in their walk with Christ.  We liken this walk to an ascent on a mountain because that is what a walk with Christ feels like at times.


Growth as a Christian can sometimes be hard earned and uphill.  We can look up - or ahead - to view what God has in store for us and it is never where we are.  We are always moving to a higher place, higher ground, with a bigger dream and a grander view.  And as any avid climber will tell you, the JOY of the climb and the PEACE at the summit is well worth the effort.


DON’T GIVE UP!  Keep moving, fellow mountain climber, you are not alone.


This website is by no means sponsored or supported by any particular denomination, and is definitely not designed to replace, usurp, or provide, a professional diagnosis or opinion.

Praise Reports: See what the LORD has done!

Needed: Encouragement

Needed: Weekly sermons for the next step

Young Climbers Club

The website is designed for "ropes" of encouragement, "footholds" of insight, intercessory prayer, to offer spiritual bread and water from the Holy Spirit, and reports from other travelers, on their journey.